When users upload numbers on the console, and some numbers fail showing the status ""Invalid"", how can users identify what actually happened? And what does each error mean?

When users upload numbers on the console, and some numbers fail showing the status ""Invalid"", how can users identify what actually happened? And what does each error mean?

Currently, there are 3 types of errors being displayed on the business console:

  1. "failed": when numbers are uploaded but will come in SPAM
  2. "invalid": numbers might already be in the system in a different account
  3. "error occurred/zero numbers": numbers are in the wrong format:

You can download the file which lists numbers that have been processed after an upload. This can be used to find out which numbers did not get uploaded. As "invalid" is displayed when the numbers are already registered with us but under a different account. You will be able to check the numbers again